In general, if you have a question about the detailed rules, the simplest choice is usually the right choice - the goal being to encourage participation. If you have questions - please post them to the forum.
Any change made after the initial (Nov 5) post will be marked (and dated) in red.
Deadline for LINES OF ACTION POTM STYLE (LOAPS) is January 31, 2006.

  • Nov 10: you may create a file named DEBUG in the run directory if you wish. If such a file is found it will be included in the email you receive following a system test.
  • Jan 13: Resolution of ties is fully defined HERE.
    "Lines Of Action" is a board game invented in the late 1960s by Claude Soucie. It is a game played by two players on an 8x8 board with the goal of "connecting" all your pieces. A web search will provide lots of background on the original, but there are a few special POTM rules to consider including a different sized board, fewer pieces, a different starting position, and some special scoring rules. The winner will be determined with head-to-head play at the end of January, 2006.

    Wikipedia LOA Reference description and strategies for the original Lines Of Action game by Claude Soucie
    http://www.boardspace.net/ A java applet that plays LOAPS (or LOA) is available

    Quick Summary of LOAPS
    LOAPS is a game where you move your pieces on a 7x7 grid such that they land on bonus scoring squares and/or become connected. A piece moves in a straight line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The number of squares it may move is determined by the number of pieces on the line of movement. You may capture an opponent's piece by landing on it, but you may not move past an opponent's piece. There are some special squares that will award points every time you land on them. There is a 50 move limit and a total time limit of 60 seconds for all moves in a game. Details are below.

  • POTM is pronounced "PAH-TUM"
  • The M stands for Month - but problems are posed irregularly
  • The POTM-MASTER is omnipotent, but is allowed to change his mind whenever he sees fit.
  • Have fun ... if you're not having fun, do something else for a while!


  • You will find many references to the original LOA game on the web. For the Programmer Of The Month LOAPS contest only the rules of the game descibed on this page will apply. The piece movement rules will be the same as you find on the other sites - but we play on a different sized board with fewer pieces and a different starting position. In addition there are several "scoring methods" not present in the original which may change the primary connectivity goal of the original. I shall state all the LOAPS rules below with my usual clarity.
  • In addition to the "game rules", you will find some "program restrictions" below - most notably the time restriction of 60 seconds per program TOTAL for all game moves. This is intended to behave something like a "chess clock" for computers.

  • The board is a 7x7 grid. Throughout the rules discussion the squares of the board will be marked in standard chess notation.
  • Each side begins with 8 pieces - placed as shown at the beginning of the game:

  • A "move" consists of changing the position of a single piece belonging to the mover according to the movement rules below.
  • The "RED" player moves first and the "BLUE" player second. For purposes of this description I'll try to refer to the two sides as "PLAYER 1" and "PLAYER 2" but may revert to "RED" and "BLUE" if it seems clearer.
  • Pieces may move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  • A piece moves exactly as many spaces as there are pieces (both yours and those of your opponent) on the line on which it is moving.
  • A piece may move over a friendly piece, but may not move over an opponent's piece.
  • A piece may land on an opponent's piece, resulting in capture and removal of the opponent's piece from the board.
  • A piece may not land on one of your own pieces when moving.
  • It is not permitted to pass - a piece must be moved on each turn.
  • A piece may not move off the board - no "wrap-around" is permitted.
  • Piece movement is the same as in the original "Lines Of Action" game. For some movement examples, I refer you to the LOA Wikipedia Article which has some cogent examples, albeit on an 8x8 board. Dave Dyer has also implemented a LOAPS player at http://www.boardspace.net/ - the best way to get a feel for the movement is to play a game or two.
  • The "special" point-scoring green and yellow squares have no effect on the movement of the pieces.
  • Players alternate moves, beginning with the player with pieces on the top and bottom rows - the "RED" player in the diagrams. This player will be known as "PLAYER 1".
  • A move consists of moving a single piece from its current position to a position consistent with the movement rules above and the constraints discussed in the programming section.
  • Play continues until one of the following conditions is met:
  • One of the two players achieves a board position where ALL of his pieces are "connected". Two pieces are "connected" if they are adjacent either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Note that a single piece is considered "connected".
  • Both players have made 50 moves.
  • One of the players makes an illegal move or generates output which is not a legal move.
  • One of the players exceeds the 60 second time limit measured cumulatively over ALL moves thus far.

  • A "match" between two programs will consist of two games, with each program having an opportunity to go first.
  • Two match-points are awarded for each game win (as determined by the number of accumulated game-points) regardless of victory margin.
  • If two programs accumulate the same number of game-points at the conclusion of the game each entry will receive one match-point.
  • If the fifty move limit is reached before either player achieves a connection, the game is declared a draw regardless of the game-score and each entry will receive one match-point.
  • A match consists of two games, with each entry having a chance to go first. Thus a total of four match-points are awarded for each match and the margins of victory in the games do not factor into determining the match winner.
  • If a program is disqualified (for an illegal move, timeout, etc.) then its opponent will be declared the winner of that game. Game-points scored over the course of that game are irrelevent.
  • It is possible to score 12 points for a connection (ending the game) and still have fewer points than your opponent ... in this case you will lose the game even though you made the final move.
  • At the conclusion of the LOAPS POTM, I will run a series of matches where each program has the opportunity to play against each other program. For example, if there are 25 eligible entries, each program will play 24 matches (48 games).
  • At the conclusion of the final runs, the program accumulating the most match-points will win the POTM.
  • Note that it does not matter by how much you won any of the games. A 1-0 game win is just as good as a 50-0 game win.
  • In the event that two or more programs accumulate the highest number of match-points, the winner will be determined by examining the results of head-to-head play to determine a winner among those that have tied.
  • If there is no clear winner after examining the results of these top finishers in head-to-head play (because the matches resulted in ties) the POTM-MASTER will figure out what to do next at that time.
  • Jan 13: Resolution of ties at this point is defined in this forum link.
    12 You make a move that causes all your pieces to be "connected". You score 12 and the game is over.
    12 Your opponent captures one of your pieces and leaves your remaining pieces in a connected state (or leaves you with a single piece). The game is over and you score 12 points unless your opponent's move resulted in a simultaneous connected position for your opponent (see below).

    1 If you "capture" an opponent's piece by landing on it you score a single point. If the move results in a connected state for either player, points for the connection are awarded in addition to this point. If the capture takes place on a bonus square, points for the bonus are awarded in addition to this point.
    7 If you land on the center square (d4) (green) you score seven points. You and your opponent may land on this square multiple times and will be awarded bonus points for each landing..
    3 If you land on one of the four corner bonus squares (b2,b6,f2,f6) (yellow) you score three points. You and your opponent may land on this square multiple times and will be awarded bonus points for each landing..

    WIN If your opponent's sys+user game clock exceeds 60 seconds the game is over and you win the game by default.
    WIN If your opponent makes an illegal move the game is over and you win the game by default.
    WIN If your opponent cannot move they will either output an illegal move or time out (or perhaps concede!). In any case, you have "pinned" your opponent. You win the game by default.

    DRAW If each player has made 50 moves and the game is not yet over according to the above criteria, the game is declared a draw regardless of the points accumulated during the game.
  • It is possible to make a capture move which simultaneously removes your opponent's next to last piece and connects all your pieces, or results in simultaneous connectivity for both sides. In this case, you will be awarded 12 points for the connection and one point for the capture - your opponent will receive zero points. In other words, a connectivity bonus for the mover only. There are no cases where BOTH players will be awarded 12 points for connectivity.
  • will be provided as a full pathname argument to your executable, as in:
    my_entry   /tmp/inputfile
  • Line one will contain two numbers. The first is either a "1" or a "2" indicating whether you are the first player or the second player in this game and a second number contains the upcoming move number. The upcoming move number will be "1" at the beginning of the game and "50" when you have only a last move remaining.
  • The second line will contain three numbers: The first number will be "1" indicating this line will provide the current score and time remaining for player "1". The second number on the line will be the current score (initialized with "0") of player one. The third number on the line will be the total REMAINING time for player one expressed as a floating point number (for example 23.4 or 0.22). This will be initialized with 60.0 indicating you have 60 seconds to work with.
  • The third line of the input file will be similar information for player number two.
  • The next seven lines of the input file will contain the current board position expressed as an ASCII map of the current board as if being viewed. Notation on this map will be as follows:
      "1" for each of player one's pieces;
      "2" for each of player two's pieces;
      "." for all other squares.
      The yellow and green bonus squares will not be marked in any particular way ... they will contain either a "1" or a "2" if there is a piece on them, or "." if there is no piece on them. Your program is responsible for remembering their five locations.
  • Some sample input files for the beginning and mid-game follow:
    1 1
    1 0 60.0
    2 0 60.0
    1 10
    1  4  5.34
    2  5  9.49
    2 28
    1 13  8.91
    2  7 40.7
    The starting position as presented to the first player Ready for the 10th move by player one. Two of the 3-point bonus squares have pieces on them. Ready for the 28th move by player two. Player one has 13 points and has 8.91 seconds remaining. Player two has 7 points and has 40.7 seconds remaining.
  • Your program should never be presented with a board that already contains a winning position for either player.
  • Important: The ONLY output of your program is a single line containing the starting position and ending position of the piece you chose to move separated by white space.
  • Output the starting square in chess notation (b4 for example) and the ending position (c3 for example) on a single line separated by white space.
  • Positions range from a1 through g7 as in the diagram.
  • There must be one of your pieces on the starting square and the move must be a valid move according to the rules of LOAPS.
  • You may use temporary files IN THE LOCAL DIRECTORY to store information about the current game. If the file you create is "too big" you will hear from the POTM-MASTER. If you have to ask, then it is too big.
  • You may NOT store information about previous games against the same opponent or other opponents. Each game is intended to be completely independent of all other games.
  • Cooperation between opposing entries is strictly forbidden. Any effort to identify or recognize your opponent and take action based on that identity will result in banning from the POTM and will earn the wrath of your fellow competitors. Note that recognition and response to "strategies" is no problem - this rule is intended solely to prevent cheating or teaming of entries to defeat the intent of the contest.
  • Incorporating a "book" of openings, endgame, or mid-game positions is permitted. However, in order to discourage the pre-storing large numbers of positions, I will impose a limit of 500,000 bytes on the executable.


  • Entries completing system test will be eligible for the final runs.
  • One entry per forum login
  • Multiple submissions of the same algorithm by the same person or team will NOT be tolerated - please don't do this - it will be obvious in the end and only cause pain for the other participants
  • Your official entry must be submitted for system test by the deadline (23:59 Eastern time on the deadline date) using the sandbox tools in order to participate in the finals.
  • Specific winning criteria will vary for each POTM and should be clear from the above sections. If there are questions, use the forums please.
    Personal info, Consolation Awards and Other Fun Stuff
  • Your email will never be made public and will not be shared with anyone. To communicate, use the "private message" capabilities in the forums.
  • Your full name (provided for the sandbox) will not be revealed unless you happen to win - in which case it will appear on the trophy as you are announced with pride as the winner. Of course, I will have no way of knowing if it is your real name.
  • Your code will be publicly available via the website (if you are worthy) and the top finishers are usually given an opportunity to make their code "pretty". All entries should be considered as public domain.
  • The POTM is for fun. In that spirit, there are generally awards for things like best program name and the like ... basically anything that I feel like at the end of a contest.
  • Participants are also encouraged to provide an exposition on their algorithm after the deadline passes ... these responses are often the most fun to read and offer insights into the foibles and quirks of the participants.
    Running The Tests - the POTM-MASTER's job
  • I will subject all entries to a "system test" to qualify them for the actual event - these are run hourly via cron (in general).
  • Scores on the system test problem may (or may not) be public - this will vary by POTM at my discretion.
  • System test results are sent to the participant via email including whatever might be of use for debugging purposes.
  • If asked nicely (via private message in the forums) it may be possible to make a debugging run and supply the output, but in general all debugging should be done on YOUR machine.
    Programming Stuff
  • Rules above for specific POTM contests will take precedence over these generic rules if there is a conflict.
  • Input will (most frequently) be provided as a full path argument to your entry
    my_entry   /tmp/inputfile
  • Input file format will be explicitly defined for each POTM problem.
  • Your POTM problem output (with no extra output) goes to stdout
  • Explicit required output format will be defined for each POTM problem.
  • Nothing should be written to stderr
  • Nov 10: You may create a file in the local directory named "DEBUG". The contents of this file will be appended to the mail you receive after a system test. The intent is to provide some help for finding bugs since stdout or stderr should not be used for that purpose.
  • You may "save" information in small temp files in the local directory according to the rules of each individual problem.
  • There will be a per execution time limit (60 sec. sys+user time as measured by /usr/bin/time unless otherwise stated). Entries that exceed the time limit will receive a default score. A signal (9) is sent to the program by the host when the time limit is exceeded.
  • any attempt to do anything whatever outside of your personal run directory will be cause for disqualification and banning.
  • C and C++ programs will be compiled with only the math library added to the standard libraries and no optimization.
  • Assember language optimizations are not permitted.
  • Non C/C++ entries must contain a first line beginning with "#!" as specified in the sandbox instructions.

  • The POTM is unsponsored and just for fun.       Thursday 08:21:54 PM      Copyright © 2004-6 - Fred Hicinbothem