Welcome to the Home of the POTM

You have found the new home of the POTM - a programming contest that ran from 1993 to 2000 and was revived from 2004 to 2006. Your task is to solve a different programming problem every couple of months. It's competitive, but there is no time pressure and a lot of friendly communication between participants in the forums. It is purely for fun, bragging rights and a place on the POTM trophy.

The POTM is not currently active. It may return one day or it may not. In the meantime, feel free to browse the past problems and marvel over the clever solutions and forum discussions. And thanks to everyone who participated over the years - I hope it was as much fun for everyone else as it was for me.
For a real programming challenge I highly recommend Al Zimmermann's Programming Contest at http://www.azspcs.net/ for challenging problems and a good community.
http://www.v-sonline.com/ feels like the old POTM! James Youlton's problems are tough - but the contests run forever!

We currently have 1494 folks registered for the POTM, 402 have created sandboxes for the POTM contests, and 33 have submitted entries for the LINESANDBOXES contest. Sign up to receive email notifications and visit the forums. All your questions will be answered in the forums!

Current languages include C, C++, Perl, Python, PHP, CLisp, Shells, and a few other non-compiled interpreters - the resources link will tell you what you need to know about the programming environment.

Please explore the POTM site and the forums. If you want to be part of the contests and forum, please sign up using the NEW USER link at the left and start work on your winning entry!

Congratulations to Anton Maydell (avm)
of St. Petersburg, Russia
Winner of the "LINES and BOXES" POTM.

Anton's entry "panda" finished the round robin tournament with a perfect 64-0 record and then won the "playoffs" among the top five finishers. Sign up and join us in the forums to be alerted as soon as the next POTM is underway!

Congratulations to Doug Beardsley (mightybyte)
Doug finished the LOAPS playoffs with a perfect 74-0-0 record!
The LOAPS POTM Completed on January 31, 2006

The POTM is unsponsored and just for fun.       Monday 11:45:31 PM      Copyright © 2004-6 - Fred Hicinbothem